'Gulliver's Pear' Original Contemporary Still-Life Oil paintings by Paula Peacock

Gulliver's Pear
by Paula Peacock
8" x 8"
Oil on Canvas

Painting is a journey of self-discovery where we lose the mask we wear every day for the protection of our ego, our heart, our soul and bare it all for all to see. It's a scary thing to show your paintings to the world. To show people who you really are, to allow yourself to be vulnerable and judged. So we either conform to what's expected of us and discard who we are,-- or love ourselves for who we are, do what we love, take a chance, step out there butt naked and moon the world.

Once upon a time, I tried to conform. I painted pretty little pictures that matched your decor and sold those pretty little pictures very well.  Don't get me wrong. Artists paint gorgeous paintings that I wish I had the talent to do, but it just wasn't me or my personality. Ask anyone who knows me. I was bored out of my ever-lovin' mind! It got to where I didn't look forward to going to my studio to paint what someone else expected of me. Even though I was selling and making money it made me angry to turn my passion into a job. I FINALLY asked myself, "What's more important, losing my soul while I made money or being me?" I gave the art world the finger (while mooning them at the same time) and chose the latter.
I may be poor in the ways of money, possessing material objects, but I am oh, so, so happy and am humbly grateful for what I have; I have my SOUL, a roof, a meal, transportation and lots of art supplies.
What more could an artist ask for?

For purchasing please contact Paula at paulapeacock@rocketmail.com To view more of my work go to www.paulapeacock.com


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