'If it Walks Like a Duck...' Contemporary Oil Paintings by Paula Peacock

'If it Walks Like a Duck...'
by Paula Peacock
12" x 24"
Oil on Canvas

Edgar Degas said; "A painting requires a little mystery, some vagueness, some fantasy. When you always make your meaning perfectly clear, you end up boring people." I like it when I manage to pique someones' interest in a painting, to keep them standing in front of it, thinking, cogitating on its meaning, wondering "What the heck was this artist thinking?" I don't try to make it my goal. I'm simply painting my life journey. Painting is a state of being and self-discovery. A painter paints what she is.  

If you are interested in purchasing please contact the artist HERE
To view more of her work see www.paulapeacock.fineartstudioonline.com


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